Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, a profound spiritual teacher, guides seekers in understanding Radha Krishn’s omnipresence and the inner challenges faced on the devotional path. In this enlightening question-and-answer session, he explains how Radha Krishn exist in Their Divine form beyond material perception and offers practical wisdom on overcoming pride and negative emotions through devotion.
Question & Answer with Prakashanand Saraswati:
Question: Since Radha Krishn are omnipresent, how are They present in the world?
Answer: They are omnipresent in Their Divine form. The material world is made of maya, moolprakriti. Maya has created this world with the help of God’s power. Although Krishn is omnipresent in His Divine form, He cannot be seen with material eyes. Any devotee, whenever he experiences the closeness of Krishn through his bhao, he could have a vision. When he reaches the ultimate purification of his heart and mind, with Krishn’s Grace, he can have the Divine vision of Krishn because He is omnipresent. How He is, cannot be explained – but He is everywhere. In every part of the world, He is omnipresent in His Divine form.
Question: What can a devotee do to reduce pride and vanity in his heart?
Answer: These are material weaknesses that every soul has, and they remain until God realization. But they remain subsided by devotional feelings. There is no way to directly resist them. If you are doing meditation and a feeling of anger comes, or a feeling of jealously comes, you can’t just push it away, because it has its own force. Suppose you are sitting and talking to your friend and having a cup of tea and some other person comes. If you don’t greet him, don’t pay any attention towards him, he will feel insulted and go away. If you greet him, he will sit down with you and have tea. If you resist his coming, he will force his way to join you. So don’t resist and don’t greet, just avoid. During meditation when such thoughts come don’t try to push them out, just avoid them and keep doing your devotions and thinking of Radha Krishn.
If any thought like jealously or anger comes in your mind, for any devotee, you should think that you also have faults. Don’t look to the faults of other people, everyone has some fault. Maybe somebody has one fault and you have a different fault, but some kind of fault everyone has. Looking to other’s faults is called pardosh darshan. It is the worst thing to do. When anger comes, try to avoid the anger instantly. Do something else. You can walk out, or listen to some chanting or read something, or talk to your friend. Do anything just to avoid the force of that anger at that time. Then carefully think about it. These are just little hints of how to overcome one’s own weaknesses.
Swami Prakashanand Saraswati reveals that Radha Krishn’s omnipresence can only be experienced through a purified heart filled with devotion. He also emphasizes that negative emotions like pride and anger should neither be resisted nor indulged but wisely ignored. Through sincere meditation and devotion, a devotee can gradually transcend these material weaknesses and attain Divine Grace.