Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s Rangili Radha – the Soul of all Rasik Saints (Part 4)

In the final part of this series on Radha, Swami Prakashanand Saraswati shares with us the profound significance of Radha’s love, Her divine presence in all scriptures, and the hidden depth of Her grace. While often veiled and described in the most intimate, subtle terms, Radha’s love and form transcend the limitations of intellectual understanding. In this section, we discover how Radha’s essence permeates every divine realm and how rasik Saints, through their unwavering devotion, experience the ultimate connection with Her.

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati Explains…

The most valuable, precious thing you have is kept safe. Suppose you have a diamond ring worth a million dollars. You keep it in a very safe place so no one should steal it. Whereas a small ring worth a hundred dollars, you just put anywhere.

Radha’s love, Radha’s form, Radha’s greatness, Radha’s personality, Radha’s description are very, very precious. It is there in all the scriptures but kept very safely. There are more than 200 Upanishads available nowadays. In all those Upanishads, only in one place is Radha’s form described. There are 35 Puranas. In some of them, at some places, Radha is described where Krishn says, “Oh Radha, You are My soul, My life.” It is everywhere, but you have to find it, like finding a needle in a haystack. But it is in all the scriptures because it is the most intimate thing.

Throughout the Bhagwatam, Shukdeo described very beautifully about Radha Rani. She was in Shukdeo’s heart, in his mind, in his soul. He remembers Radha all the time, nothing else. But he was saying the Bhagwatam to Parikchit who was only desiring liberation. The one who was listening to the Bhagwatam was not desiring Divine love of Radha. Parikchit was under a curse that in seven days a deadly serpent would kill him, and he was really afraid of death. He wanted liberation, mukti, not Divine love.

Shukdeo’s whole personality is Radha. He had to help King Parikchit. He had to reveal the Bhagwatam. The Bhagwatam means Radha Krishn love, so every statement was Radha. She was everywhere. But whatever he was saying, he was saying for Parikchit. So, he never mentioned even in one single place word “Radha” because Parikchit didn’t deserve it. Yet Shukdeo explained about Radha in many places.

In one example from the Bhagwatam, he said kachit Gopi for some Gopi who thinks Krishn has sent a bumblebee as a messenger. When Shukdeo starts these simple lines, you read their literal meaning, but in that situation, when he said “Gopi”, he meant Radha. A bumblebee came. Radha entered Her own Divine ecstasy of Mahabhao. In ten verses, Shukdeo described the ten ecstatic states of Radha Rani. Shukdeo is saying and Parikchit is listening. But Parikchit never understood anything about this. He only understood that some Gopi is there and something happened. That’s all. How could Parikchit understand when it is even beyond the understanding of rasik Saints? Only Krishn understands to a limited extent because He is one with Radha.

In this way, Shukdeo very cleverly described Radha in many, many places. In the Ras Panchadhyai, the five chapters which describe maharas, Shukdeo begins with the description of Radha. In the middle is Radha. And he also ends with Radha. Shukdeoji describes to his heart’s content the greatness of Radha Rani in the Bhagwatam.

The rasik Saints like Haridas, Hit Harivansh, Jeev, Roop and Sanatan Goswami, and all those great acharyas like Vallabacharya and Nimbarkacharya wrote in detail about Radha. They revealed Radha’s leelas and greatness, Krishn’s leelas and Gopis’ leelas.

For instance, Radha is walking from Her palace to the Gahvarban. Krishn comes from Nandgaon. He sees Radha walking and follows Her. As He comes close, He sees Radha’s footprint on the ground. He feels so blessed. He takes some dust from Her footprint and puts it on His head. He is so absorbed He forgets to come close to Her.

Speech Part 1

Speech Part 2

Speech Part 3

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